Google Play is one of the best-known and most popular apps in the Android ecosystem. Users love to download this app because it gives them access to a myriad of entertainment options. However, many people may not realize that Google Play is not really an app but a way for users to sign up for Google. When you download this app, you are actually signing up to become a member of Google. You will receive notifications whenever there are new apps available, as well as major updates.
One of Google Play’s coolest features is that apps you purchase from the Google Play Store can be shared with your friends by copying the APK file. Using this feature, you can send messages, play games, and even upload and share your own pictures. If you have several devices, you can set up multiple accounts so that each of your devices has access to the same app. Now you’ll never be left wondering who got what again.
Google Play Services API allows you to integrate your Google Play app with other Google services like Gmail, Google+, and Picasa. This is great for businesses that want to promote their app on multiple platforms. For example, if you have an eCommerce site where people buy and sell things from your app, you can integrate the Play Services feature with Google Checkout to purchase the app directly from Google.
Google Play Services API also allows third-party companies to create in-app advertisements. If you are running a business that sells gift cards, the best advertising option is using Google Ads. These ads will show up on the right side of the Google Play app page whenever a user clicks on one of the buttons associated with them. All you have to do is sign up with Google, and they will provide you with the code you need to place on your site. If you already have an existing website, all you have to do is copy the code and place it on your page.
If you are a business, it’s best to stick with Google Play Services because it allows you to focus more on your core business. It is a much less expensive option than trying to manage several apps. On the downside, Google Play Services requires the installation of a specific application. This is a one-time fee that will allow you to access all the Google Play Services features for a year. You might be wondering why you would spend money to use this service if it’s free.
The reason is that this service allows Google to collect data about your app users, which they use to personalize the service. On the other hand, several apps are already integrated with Google Play Services. These apps cost nothing but are limited in functionality. Google does not comment on whether they will continue to support older apps with this service or not. It is best to research whether a particular app is compatible before downloading it.