Affordable Beauty Tips for Girls That are Trendy Yet Timeless

Make-up and clothing are a part of an identity for every woman. It is often said women think of nothing but make-up and fashion. Well, I say it is the beauty of a woman that makes the world a better place. Good-looking women ooze confidence and style as well as motivate others to follow suit. It does not matter whether you are a teenager or a septuagenarian, beauty is your birthright, and you should take utmost care of your God-given gift. These simple beauty tips for girls will help you maintain your aura.

Skin Beauty Tips

Skin is the largest organ of our body. It helps protect all our vital organs inside the body and keeps us away from infections. Skin is the most important organ in defining a person’s beauty. Clear, flawless skin is the first sign of a healthy body.

★ Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water each day to keep your skin moisturized.

★ Eat nutritious and balanced foods to supply enough vitamins like vitamin A and vitamin C to your skin.

Drink a glass of water mixed with honey to keep your skin shiny and smooth.

★ Massage with milk and saffron helps keep your skin moisturized and smooth.

★ Keep the room temperatures mild to prevent your skin from drying.

★ Bathe with lukewarm water and mild soaps. Please do not take a hot water shower as it causes your skin to blush and become dry.

★ After a bath, do not dry your skin by rubbing hard with a towel. Instead, with a soft, gentle towel, pat dries your skin.

★ Eat plenty of fruits and raw vegetables as they are a source of fluorine, which is very important to prevent scaly skin.


★ Cucumbers are a great source of sodium that helps prevents wrinkles on skins. Cucumbers also help keep the body cool.

★ Use hydrating creams after every shower, hand wash, or during cold temperatures. This gives a soft feel to your skin.

★ Use lotions containing hydroxy acid or salicylic acid. These lotions not only keep your skin moisturized but also give it a smooth appearance.

★ Scrub your skin with walnut or apricot scrub to remove dead cells and maintain a healthy layer of skin.

★ Use gloves in winter to protect the skin on your hands from getting chapped.
★ Use a cuticle cream to keep your fingers looking good.

★ Wash your face with a face wash in the morning and before going to sleep.

★ Use an SPF moisturizer on your face and body when going outdoors. This helps prevent damage and premature aging of the skin.

★ Always remember to remove your makeup with a cleaning lotion before retiring for the day. Makeup contains harmful chemicals that block the skin’s pores. This leads to bacterial infection and pimples. Few chemicals also cause the darkening of the skin.

★ Use purifying masks once a week to keep the pores clear and skin fresh.

★ Apply neutral color makeup that looks good on light as well as darker complexions.

★ Cut a broad slice of fresh apple and rub it on your face. Rub well and then wait for 10 min for the juice to be absorbed in the skin. Wash off with lukewarm water and pat dry. This will help reduce the oily shine on the face.

★ For healthy and smooth skin, mix oatmeal with grapefruit juice. Mix to a thick consistency and apply it to the face. Wait for 15 min and wash with lukewarm water.

Nail Beauty Tips

Nails are an integral part of our lives, and most women tend to overlook nail care. Beautiful nails complete your look and complement your natural beauty.

★ Treat your nails with olive oil every alternative day.

★ Use a mixture of water and lemon juice to remove stains from your nails.

★ Do not cut the nail cuticle as you might get an infection.

★ Do not cover your nails with nail polish for long periods of time. It would help if you left your nails uncovered every two weeks.

★ Eat fruits and vegetables containing vitamin B and vitamin B5 to maintain healthy nails and skin.

★ Drink milk and eat bananas to make your nails strong as they are rich in Calcium.

★ Vitamin A, Vitamin C, folic acid, zinc, etc., makes your nails strong.

★ When applying nail polish, begin with a base coat. This keeps your nails protected.

★ Do not scratch, pick, dig or pinch with your nails. Your nails are not hardware tools.

★ Use products that contain alcohol sparingly. Alcohol causes your nails to break.

★ Wear hand gloves when doing household chores and during gardening to avoid accidental chipping and breakage of nails.

★ To avoid discoloration of nails, apply a coat of clear nail polish before applying colored nail polish.

Hand Beauty Tips

Hands are the most used parts of our body. It is essential to maintain soft and smooth hands as they are the first tell-tale signs of aging.

★ Moisturize your hands at least 3 times a day.

★ In case of dry skin, wash your hands with soap. Then pour some salt on your hands and rewash them.

Apply moisturizing cream to prevent drying of hands.

★ Use gloves to protect your hands from harmful detergents and chemicals while washing and cleaning.

★ Before going to bed, apply Vaseline to your hands and cover them with cotton gloves. Your hands will feel as smooth as butter the next morning.

★ Add almond oil to the water when washing dishes. The oil seals the moisture of the skin, preventing it from drying.

★ Please wash your hands with warm water and dry them with a coarse napkin. Apply one teaspoon honey and one teaspoon olive oil on the damp hand. Place your hands in a plastic bag and cover with cotton gloves. The heat developed inside the plastic bag helps the mixture penetrate the coarse hand skin.

★ Take a cup of milk and warm it in the microwave for 30 seconds. Soak the hands in this warm milk for 5 minutes. This helps hydrate the skin and strengthen the nails.

Hair Beauty Tips

The crowing glory of a woman, hair not only protects the head from excessive heat loss but also helps create different looks. Hairstyles make a person stand out, and it is essential to take utmost care of your delicate hair.

★ Choose a hair product that will make your hair healthy and radiant. Use mild shampoos according to your hair type.

★ Use shampoos with zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfide, salicylic acid, or ketoconazole as the active ingredient to eliminate dandruff.

★ The best homemade remedy for dandruff is washing your hair with vinegar. Mix six teaspoons of water with two teaspoons of vinegar and rub the solution on your scalp. Leave it overnight and again apply the solution in the morning and rinse your hair.

★ Use wide-toothed combs to comb your hair when wet.

★ Clean your hair daily with shampoo and conditioner. Apply the conditioner in the middle or on the hair ends.

★ Avoid oily foods, alcohol, and cigarettes to maintain healthy hair.

★ Do not use two-in-one shampoos, conditioners, and fizz serum as they damage your crowning glory.

★ Condition your hair with mayonnaise. Apply mayonnaise to your hair and rinse off after 2 to 3 minutes. This will give a shine and bounce to your dull, lifeless hair.

Overall Beauty Tips For Girls

Eyes and lips attract attention. Eyes are the windows of the soul, and healthy eyes make the view clearer.

★ Wash your eyes with cool water daily to get rid of germs and dirt.

★ Read the instructions carefully before using contact lenses to avoid infection.

★ Eye makeup should match the overall look. Choose the focus on either the lips or eyes to avoid a ghastly look.

★ Use darker makeup during the night and keep the look subtle during the day.

★ Apply mascara on the tips of the eyelashes.

★ Use high-quality eye makeup and specific eye cleansers to remove cosmetics.

★ Dab a little orange shadow into the inside corner of your eye to create a wide-eyed look.

★ Use minimum makeup on your face as it damages your skin. Mineral makeup helps brighten the skin without the use of a heavy foundation.

★ Use a lip balm on your lips to prevent them from drying and chapping.

★ Use lip colors that suit your skin. Long-lasting, perfectly colored, and those made from safe ingredients are best for your lips.

★ Sleep on satin or silk pillowcases as it creates fewer creases on your face and delays the onset of wrinkles.

★ Apply lemon juice mixed with a little salt to your teeth. It is a natural whitening agent and helps brighten up your smile.

★ Those who love strawberries can crush a few with their toothbrush and use the mashed berries to brush their teeth. This will help reduce the yellow stain and whiten your teeth naturally.

★ Avoid sleeping on your sides. Sleeping on your back helps prevent wrinkles on your face as well as your cleavage area.

These are few beauty tips for girls that will help create natural beauty and maintain your looks. It is best to avoid cosmetics and cosmetic surgeries to look beautiful. All members of the female species of the human race are born beautiful. They need to take some special care to maintain the magic. Avoid alcohol, drugs, and smoking to keep your beauty long-lasting. A healthy lifestyle will help you in achieving eternal beauty. A positive attitude will help create a glow on your face. Beauty is skin deep. Thus, only a beautiful soul reflects true beauty.

Read more at Buzzle: and clothing are a part of an identity for every woman. It is often said women think of nothing but make-up and fashion. Well, I say it is the beauty of a woman that makes the world a better place. Good-looking women ooze confidence and style as well as motivate others to follow suit. It does not matter whether you are a teenager or a septuagenarian, beauty is your birthright, and you should take utmost care of your God-given gift. These simple beauty tips for girls will help you maintain your aura.


Writer. Pop culture buff. Certified alcohol trailblazer. Tv nerd. Music fanatic. Professional problem solver. Explorer. Uniquely-equipped for working on Easter candy in Las Vegas, NV. Uniquely-equipped for analyzing toy monkeys for the government. Spent a year testing the market for action figures in Minneapolis, MN. Spent high school summers donating walnuts in Phoenix, AZ. Earned praised for my work researching human brains in Orlando, FL. Spent college summers writing about pubic lice in Washington, DC.